Leaver Penalty Change
I think I speak for most of us dedicated Bleeding Edge players that enjoy the game and want to see it succeed. But I don't think it will with this garbage feature.
First off fix the servers and the grouping settings based on skill or something other than random. We are tired of being put into groups where nobody knows what is going on and go for kills over objectives.
This ruins gameplay and honestly after two games in a row of this I am done with it for the day.
Then we have empty lobbies you're forced to wait in until you get all the players or if you leave you might get the leaver Penalty.
Instead of just making it three games of leaver cover why don't you just straight up give half an hour ban. At this point I'd take two hours ban over this stupid feature of waisting my time to play for no XP or rewards for three games.
I understand you're putting ranked in time but this won't fix the QuickPay issue.
@Fawxxy It is grouped based relatively on skill though. The game uses an MMR system. I play games where the teams work together basically all the time (this of course doesn't mean a guaranteed win). There are ''those bad games'' of course, but not really to the degree you're mentioning where everyone is a headless chicken.
Also if you're stuck in a backfill loop chances are you leave games by choice. With that being said, to avoid being put into backfill constantly just don't leave games. Accept your losses, no matter how bad they are. I backfill maybe once or twice a day at best, playing about 20 games in a row.
@TreasuredGems said in Leaver Penalty Change:
@Fawxxy It is grouped based relatively on skill though. The game uses an MMR system. I play games where the teams work together basically all the time (this of course doesn't mean a guaranteed win). There are ''those bad games'' of course, but not really to the degree you're mentioning where everyone is a headless chicken.
Also if you're stuck in a backfill loop chances are you leave games by choice. With that being said, to avoid being put into backfill constantly just don't leave games. Accept your losses, no matter how bad they are. I backfill maybe once or twice a day at best, playing about 20 games in a row.
There should be no leaver penalties at all, as the game is a broken state. There is way to many unbalanced issues. Why should any gamer be punished for this? answer they shouldnt. This game is dead already, this is the reason all xbox games need cross play as they have no player base. This game was DOA as in this compective market they choose to release it bare bones, lack of content. Major connection issues. Also add lever penalties??
I play 2-3 games then thin 'fuck this, games a joke and go play a game that actualy has been balanced and works, One of the games biggest issue is alot of players dont work as a team and want just kills, also there is clearly hit detection issues and many bugs.
Lets do hope they fix this game fast or it will go the same way as all MS games and it will just flop
@TreasuredGems said in Leaver Penalty Change:
@Fawxxy It is grouped based relatively on skill though. The game uses an MMR system. I play games where the teams work together basically all the time (this of course doesn't mean a guaranteed win). There are ''those bad games'' of course, but not really to the degree you're mentioning where everyone is a headless chicken.
Also if you're stuck in a backfill loop chances are you leave games by choice. With that being said, to avoid being put into backfill constantly just don't leave games. Accept your losses, no matter how bad they are. I backfill maybe once or twice a day at best, playing about 20 games in a row.
This is the typical ignorant reply, "don't want to be backfill don't leave.".
The game clearly isn't being matched up skill base and a lot of people can back that up. It's not a suck it up and keep playing either or take the loss, it has nothing to do with a loss. We should be putting out into matches with people who has been playing the game just as much as you did.
And yes, I will say a good majority of the players are headless chickens as they are not big into the game and winning, they just want to play for kills.
A shame they're killing the game before it even got big.
@Sci0n Leaver penalties are in a large majority of multiplayer games, successful and unsuccessful alike. If you don't like leaver penalties, fine, but you bringing up a bunch of unrelated points like ''this game is dead'' and ''i don't like the balance'' really doesn't have anything to do with the leaver penalty as a system to improve matchmaking as a whole, which it does.
It more sounds like you just don't like the game when you do that.
@Fawxxy Is it ignorant, or am I telling you something you don't want to hear? If you followed the Alpha, Beta, and the streams the devs have repeatedly said the game uses MMR. It absolutely does, as I have yet to come across this issue of my team mates being morons, that lack the basic game knowledge. According to you the devs are lying, I'm lying, and anyone that opposes your point of view is lying.
You're saying people can back up the fact they're not being matched up based on skill, while directly contrast to that people also can. Playing the game a lot is not what MMR is about, it's actually about matching players in skill as closely as possible even if there is a gap to some extent.
The one thing you're absolutely correct about is that I'm telling you to not leave games if you don't want to be backfilled. Why not just take the loss to guarantee yourself numerous games without having to backfill? Are you implying that every time you start loosing you're justified to immediately just leave the game as a 3 vs 4 without any penalty to you, and that you enjoy when people also leave your games as well when things don't go your way? Wins and losses are inevitable, and you are being matched as close to your skill as possible.
@Fawxxy I think their leaver penalty is good and rather innovative. It is common practice in most games to lock leavers out of matchmaking, the problem is that when this happens people will simply stop playing and switch to a different game
This is not what they want if the community is going to grow. Their penalty allows you to continue playing while also getting punished for leaving that seems fair to me. And since launch, I have almost never been put into a game in progress because i never leave games which is also a good thing because not leaving should be rewarded
In terms of skill based matchmaking, it would not be a good idea to do strict sbmm like we see in some other games. It usually ruins the game for a lot of people and should be avoided. Skill should obviously have some influence but connection needs to be prioritized greatly over skill. This is for casual mode of course.
If and when this game gets a ranked mode, that will be the super sweaty mode that people can jump into if they want to play with and against others of similar skill
just gonna throw in my two cents here. I think the MMR will get better with time since very few people have more than probably 100 matches so if new players who don't know whats going on and win their first few matches in a row the game will see that there a 'good' player with a very high win rate (I only suspect this is the case FYI) and put them in with much more experienced players thus you seem to play with headless chickens. As the game gets older and people rack up more matches played MMR will more effectively be able to calculate in people's amount of games played in relation to their win rate and thus create (hopefully) more balanced matches.
On the note of the punishment system it's a pretty good solution but I think just needs some tuning as I have around 100 matches and have never once left early but on probably 6-7 occasions get put into matches that I'm only in for around 30 seconds or less before my team looses because the game was 50-550 when I joined. simple solution to this I would think is creating a cap at a certain points limit where new people cant join. kind of sucks for the people in the match but I believe would protect more people that it would hurt.
Jeez, some real aggression going on here. How ever the game match makes the “headless chicken” comment was pretty damn accurate and happens more often than not. It is unbearably frustrating when you’re put with a team that doesn’t know their own ass from their elbow and even if all they want is kills they can’t even do THAT! But you have to stay with you d!€k in a mouse trap otherwise you’ll be penalized.
As for the original issue being addressed here... the leave penalty is a great system I believe because it is ALSO annoying how you get matched with @$$ hats who leave in the middle of ANY game cuz they simply get pissed off. But I also agree that it needs some tuning for sure! I think you should be allowed to leave the game (penalty free) as long as it’s before the match starts. Maybe within a certain time frame to be fair and not 1 second before or something ridiculous like that. And have a 1 or 2 free game leave system or something before the penalties kick in, which might already exist, I’m not sure. And that goes for inactivity as well. Life happens and there are some cases where maybe something suddenly comes up that requires you to drop the controller or maybe you want to join a friend that just sent an invite and would rather not waste your time starting a NEW game with an unknown team that could very well turn into a shit show. As for the @$$holes that actually intentionally leave DURING the game cuz they’re... just @$$holes and they clearly consistently do it, I think the repercussions are pretty legit.That’s not fun for anyone and you just wanna jump through the game and punch em in the f@#%ing face!
@Fawxxy yeah I agree, in fact, many times when I get leave penalty I don't care and I just go afk watching videos on YouTube with the phone and when i'm about to get kicked I just press pause and wait for the match to end, I'm not going to put effort, (many times a really big effort) for nothing, while others get rewards... this leaver penalty is so easy to trigger and so crappy it doesn't make sense, i even made a clip where I lost connection and got 5 games of leaver penalty, FUCK THAT CRAP, I was sorry for my teammates but I was more sorry for myself!
Just gonna throw my 2 cents in: There isn't mmr, if there was I, a level 39 who knows how to play the game and most characters well, should not match into games with sub lvl10s who run around like headless chickens. The game prioritises connection over skill level. It's been like this for me ever since the last patch, match quality has dropped drastically for me. Even had matches where my team are all sub lvl 10, against a full team of 30+, I'm sure that's skill based mmr!
As for the leaver penalty, it's laughably bad and does nothing. I never quit games, been back filled 4 times in a row before, and get back filled fairly often. If this system is intended for quitters, then why am I being back filled? Ultimately I feel they should copy leagues lobby dodge system, so you get 5 mins for leaving the first game, then 15, then 30, etc. This will be a more impactful system, maybe make leavers think twice about doing so, and save people who want to play full games without leavers the pain of doing so.