It's a bug with Maeve cage mod that reduces healing received
Thank you for reporting that btw... this is a pretty egregious bug and the last character that should have it is Maeve.
It's a bug with Maeve cage mod that reduces healing received
Thank you for reporting that btw... this is a pretty egregious bug and the last character that should have it is Maeve.
@xMontorix said in NERF Cass Dart Super:
Cass's super needs to he nerfed. It'll kill all who's in it. It doesn't even split the damage between multiple characters. Everyone who's caught in it take 100% of it. It WILL kill you despite having full health. And she gets it back too quickly considering how powerful it is.
The HORROR! How dare she!?
No, it does not need to be nerfed.
It very often doesn't "kill all who's in it".
Metallic feathers to your face don't split damage evenly between your team. Eat a feather and take the D(amage).
No. It can come close under some circumstances, but you have to invest. She is a damage dealer.
If I'm not mistaken, ultimate charge rates are the same across the board (not counting mod effects). No reason to mess with her rate.
Instead of asking for a nerf, try actually using your character's ability to stop her ultimate? Work with your team? Is this asking too much?
So wait, you've been placed as a last second backfill 6 times in a row? And you have no leaver penalty? Kappa
Stomps can happen, but I see them happening a LOT less since leaver penalties were applied. My games (I solo) have been fairly evenly matched since launch and I've seen maybe 1 or 2 leavers.
I'm not even trying to hate, but I think you guys complaining are in a rough place with matchmaking. I suspect there is hidden MMR, or at least some kind of metric for what kind of player you are... and it's matching you accordingly.
I'm not one to call for nerfs this early in a game's life, but I think Maeve's Siphon Life ability needs to be reconsidered. Most people will tell you they want this game's skill ceiling to increase, and this ability is an example of the opposite effect.
Simply put, it does too much guaranteed damage at too low a cooldown. The fact that it tracks the target and can't be mitigated except by getting out of range (something Maeves want you to waste your time doing) is what makes it a cheap skill IMO.
No other special ability does this much damage with so little effort. The only comparable skills are ultimates, and even they have drawbacks when used.
My suggestion to NT is that this be turned into a beam that has to be aimed laterally (similar to Sirius' utlimate in Battlerite) or that she be immobile during its cast. Remove vertical cast so she has to be on the same level as the target. Camera motion during the skill should be slowed somewhat. The cooldown can use a few seconds as well, although that is kinda moot with Schadenfreude.
This makes it more challenging for Maeves to get Cage into Siphon Life kills without touching its range or damage. They'll need to think about positioning more and not just spam Cages everywhere for guaranteed kills.
Maeve mains out there, be honest about the exceeding ease with which this special ability causes damage. For the game's sake, please.
Interesting. I haven't been able to pull it off any other way than I described. I thought it might have been a dash attack similar to Daemon's, but no cigar. If you find out, do let us know.
@Sci0n said in PLEASE DISPLAY PING and tell us what server we are on. also please put me on my own servers.:
This game is just a poor example of how @Xbox
has no #real games worth playingBad Servers
Bad Stability
Major Lag
Piss Poor Hit Detection
Punishing Players for Quitting
No reason to play a Broke AFthe game will be dead in like 2 weeks, there is no excuse as to why the game is in the state it is.
Pay attention to these kind of posts you'll see popping up, people. Like, I can understand being upset at poor network performance in a game and stating it on the forum... but you clearly have an axe to grind with Microsoft and probably don't want to see this game succeed regardless of the network quality. Meanwhile, tons of people are playing and enjoying the game without the need for network analyzers lol. Why exactly would a NT employee take their time to look at your case and see if they can improve your experience?
Nah I think he's talking about how Cass' Q behaves differently when preceeded by max speed run (or at least, I think it's max speed). Instead of her regular first attack, she does a short flip forward to start the chain. I'll test it out soon, but I think it depends on your run time or speed before the attack.
Update: So yeah... it's based on speed and distance. You need to be at max running speed and be about 3 meters from the target (the radius of the inner circle of the Dojo is the best measurement I could make). It's not something I use in games intentionally since I would never lead into an attack by running.
@Evade-This5965 said in Níðhöggr too overpowered:
I'm collecting these threads until I can catch them all... I imagine the "Makutu is OP" will be the most elusive and rare of them all, but I am patient.
lol good one... how many "Cass is OP"s do you have in your stash so far, if you don't mind?
I must be like the only person who couldn't care less about "content" (i.e. skins, decals, emotes and other fluff) and would much rather devs focus on improving gameplay and squashing bugs. People expecting legendary skins for each character and worried the game is going to die because of palette swaps lol. Just be patient and the goodies will come... now is the time to play and show NT and MS that this game has legs.
This will not work at higher levels of play where coordinated attacks are a thing. That kind of comp is playing way too defensively and will always be on the run against a more offensive comp. You underestimate how easy it is to kill supports when a team focuses.
This is sensible. I'm trying to think of ways this can be exploited and can find none, so it's actually feasible. Ninja Theory should consider this one.
That said, I am so glad to say that I've seen maybe a single leaver since they implemented the punishment during the beta, so that is doing it's job well lol. I keep reading people complain about them, so I imagine they themselves are in "leaver hell" or trying to up their MMR. If people stick with the game, I think you'll see a lot less leavers shortly.
Meh... streamers wondering why their bandwidth is taxed and affecting the game's connectivity. Nothing to see here. The overwhelming majority of players know to reduce their bandwidth usage as much as possible if they want a smooth game. No "million dollar internet" needed.
I've seen zero disconnections in the entirety of my alpha and beta gameplay, with a moderate internet service level.
This video comes across as a hit piece tbh. lol
@D4m0R3d said in Cass is easily the most underrated character, change my mind...:
idk bro
look at how fast she kills them. idk any other ults in the game, or abilities that do close to this amount of dps. killed 2 peeps who had 75 percent hp in about 2 seconds, and about 3/5ths of her ult. if she did that in a team battle the enemy team is basically dead. otherwise you would have to have a teamate who can stun her wich is about 5 of 12 characters who can stun her maybe. meaning you need to have at least one person on your team who has a stun, and they have to be alive/ have to have enough health/time to stun them/ need to have the ability available.
idk dude the odds are in the favour of cass in this case
If a damage dealer's AOE ultimate can't kill two 60% hp characters who take the brunt it, then I'd say that is a problem. Imagine Reaper's Death Blossom not being able to kill 60% hp opponents.
Yeah, it's a scary ability, especially with the damage mod and boost, but again... that's her thing. They purposely designed it to be easily shut down. Good luck using it next to any tank, Nidhoggr, Kulev with Bamboozle, or a Cass with Dive Bomb. You're basically dead if the ult gets stopped unless your team is there to peel for you. You caught these hurt players unaware and punished them with a skillful jump/hightail/swoop into ultimate combo... they never saw you coming. That's just a good play... not a broken ability.
Again, no need (or too early) to call for nerfs.
No, they should not reduce the damage. That is her thing, which is already lacking from her basic attack. Her health is already ridiculously low, and she has to invest in a mod to make blade dance a threat. You can stun her out of the ult easily and she's vulnerable as hell without yet another mod when using it. There are plenty of ways to mitigate or even nullify the damage (as a team). No need to call for nerfs now.
Parry needs to be good, but not so good that it becomes a necessity. Stunning and locking the opponent's stamina is a bit much, I think. I actually like it as something that gives a seemingly mild benefit for skilled play. It's about how you use it to win your fights or escape, not how good the ability is itself.
If the game had a higher skill ceiling, I'd agree about ultimate charge. As is, I think the game needs it for less experienced/skilled players to have something to fall back on when needed. If anything, they should give extra ultimate charge for objective capturing and depositing cells.
Too early and probably even unnecessary for a role lock. Metas aren't even established yet and people will want to experiment for the first few months. I personally dislike the idea of role lock as you're forcing your views of how the game should be played on others and limiting creativity.
Just my opinions.
Was just thinking of this... though I think it should be something earned once you get a ridiculously high level for a character or some kind of difficult achievement. You should have to commit to a character to earn that 4th slot, then you can really make the character shine. But yeah... definitely times I wish I had the extra mod available.
While we're at it, allowing us to change loadouts during a match would be nice.
From today's patch:
Leaver Penalty
Bleeding Edge is a competitive multiplayer fighter where working together as a team is vital if you wish to achieve victory, we understand how players quitting matches can be detrimental to your experience which is why we have been reviewing our leaver penalty system.
Quitting in the middle of a game counts as a loss, and you miss out on end game rewards. Additionally, quitters will incur a leaver penalty.
Players with an active leaver penalty prioritise matchmaking with other leavers and are more likely to backfill into games with missing players. This means by quitting a match before it finishes you are more likely to join other matches in progress, and less likely to join a match that has just started. You are also unable to earn rewards while the leaver penalty is active. Completing 3 matches clears the penalty.
Thank you, Ninja Theory! I'm happy with this. Players will now think twice about dropping from games if they care for progression.
Requiring them to finish 3 matches to clear the penalty is good incentive to stay in games to the end. I also like the idea of having leavers be prioritized for backfill as this gives them a taste of their own medicine.
All that's needed now is for you to stand your ground and not let the impending tears sway you to remove or lighten this system. Gamers need to grow up and realize they can't waste other peoples' time without consequence.