Cass is easily the most underrated character, change my mind...

  • @HammerxOfxLight Id agree on that front. Her HP is kinda a hinderance in long winded fights. And the Ult with the damage boost mod is basically free kills imo which is kinda shitty because i can bascially guarantee the supports dying due to my ult which isnt really fair for them

  • @BasedScones they need to drop the damage of the ult the range or take away the movement of it. With her mobility you can just get next to your target and pretty much insta-gib them. It feels cheap to be on the receiving end of it. She can be stunned out of it so that’s good

  • @BasedScones

    well heres the thing you forgot, butter cups hook goes up. if she uses hightail to get upto a platform she can hook cass down before she gets far. elbastardo can dive up. gizmo can bounce up. daemon can jump up. nidhoggr can throw a guitar. maeve can cage her. zero cool can jump up and wall her off.

    "And swoop recharges fast enough that even if he sprays you, you can still swoop out."

    and if she swoops out of daemons reach he can just dash at her and combo lock her. then throw shirikens wich have a bleeding and slow effect.and continue the chase, the chase may be long but eventually he will catch her.

    and il say again. you dont have to kill her to win. getting her out of the fight making the fight a 4v3 is a win.

    and if played smart you can lock her down even if she has such good abilities. abilities have cool downs. and usually this shit is a team fight so really there are way too many possibilities to talk about. theres just no point.

    and yea she does have high survivability if played smart, but so does everyone. everyone that has an ability that can help put distance between you and the enemy can have high survivability if played smart.


    they should probs just reduce the damage. i feel like it would look wierd if she just stood still

  • No, they should not reduce the damage. That is her thing, which is already lacking from her basic attack. Her health is already ridiculously low, and she has to invest in a mod to make blade dance a threat. You can stun her out of the ult easily and she's vulnerable as hell without yet another mod when using it. There are plenty of ways to mitigate or even nullify the damage (as a team). No need to call for nerfs now.

  • @Sol-Aethiops

    idk bro

    look at how fast she kills them. idk any other ults in the game, or abilities that do close to this amount of dps. killed 2 peeps who had 75 percent hp in about 2 seconds, and about 3/5ths of her ult. if she did that in a team battle the enemy team is basically dead. otherwise you would have to have a teamate who can stun her wich is about 5 of 12 characters who can stun her maybe. meaning you need to have at least one person on your team who has a stun, and they have to be alive/ have to have enough health/time to stun them/ need to have the ability available.

    idk dude the odds are in the favour of cass in this case

  • @D4m0R3d said in Cass is easily the most underrated character, change my mind...:


    idk bro

    look at how fast she kills them. idk any other ults in the game, or abilities that do close to this amount of dps. killed 2 peeps who had 75 percent hp in about 2 seconds, and about 3/5ths of her ult. if she did that in a team battle the enemy team is basically dead. otherwise you would have to have a teamate who can stun her wich is about 5 of 12 characters who can stun her maybe. meaning you need to have at least one person on your team who has a stun, and they have to be alive/ have to have enough health/time to stun them/ need to have the ability available.

    idk dude the odds are in the favour of cass in this case

    If a damage dealer's AOE ultimate can't kill two 60% hp characters who take the brunt it, then I'd say that is a problem. Imagine Reaper's Death Blossom not being able to kill 60% hp opponents.

    Yeah, it's a scary ability, especially with the damage mod and boost, but again... that's her thing. They purposely designed it to be easily shut down. Good luck using it next to any tank, Nidhoggr, Kulev with Bamboozle, or a Cass with Dive Bomb. You're basically dead if the ult gets stopped unless your team is there to peel for you. You caught these hurt players unaware and punished them with a skillful jump/hightail/swoop into ultimate combo... they never saw you coming. That's just a good play... not a broken ability.

    Again, no need (or too early) to call for nerfs.

  • I love Cass, she's so fun and my main also. But an equally skilled Miko, Meave, Buttercup (or other Cass) can handle her - at least push her out consistently; and any character with a stun, freeze or silence should always be keeping an eye out to hit Cass on her ult. Her ult really is brutal, but shut it down & she gets DELETED 🙂

    I do agree with you though, Cass is underrated. Really good Cass players can dominate both the enemy and the map.