
  • You have to atleast maje bubble block triggered (not hold) ability. It is WAY to complicated on xbox controller to hold two buttons (attack, bubble) rotate the camera and cast other cooldown abilities!
    I get it. Mekko is complicated but. Can you just tune his buttons to be a bit more friendly.

  • I'm playing on xbox and have no problem doing what you described, have you thought of changing your controller layout? I did not long after launch and now basic attack is rt, dodge/parry is lb and ult is x for me. Gives me more freedom of camera movement and is also easier for me to lock on and to parry/dodge. Hope this helps ya mate ❤

  • @RageKrom
    Great solution. I also like your idea in other topic to customize button layout for every character. But still i have played more than 100h with my custom layout and i wont change it just becouse of Mekko.
    And i really do think that shield should be triggered (like all channeled abilities in the game). In current state its just unnecessarly complicated. Just a itsy bitsy design flaw.