Bleeding Edge can be as good as...
...this game
For those who enjoying this game, hear me out.
I play games mostly for PvP and Bleeding Edge brought me some good feelings from an old and the most fun PvP game I ever played, GIGANTIC.For those who know's this game and never got a chance to play it, Im sorry.
Gigantic was a original project from Motiga in partnership with Xbox Game Studios who ended up leaving the project after a series of delays and administrative problems in the project. Motiga took too long to develop this game and has set a endless beta period. They want this game to be perfect and they got it, eventually. Sadly it was to late. The Perfect World Games bought Motiga and after another late deadline PW has decided to close Motiga and discontinue GIGANTIC.What where so great about this game?
Well, it looks exactly as Bleeding Edge, but as a 5 year old developing game, GIGANTIC was perfect, fluid, beautiful, dynamic and very, very... very, satisfying.
I love Bleeding Edge. I really do.>>>>>>>>>> Check this video <<<<<<<<<<
Now. Why am I telling you this?
That's because I believe Bleeding Edge can be as good as it with a very feel changes.
So let me know if you guys agree with me or not on the following suggestions.==================
That's right. Removing the auto locking will make this game more competitive and will turn it in a skill based game instead a ordinary game.
With manual targeting (as GIGANTIC once was), people will be able to perform double, triple and quad kills relaying only in their skills and it will give us AWESOME clips, feedbacks and satisfaction.
It's pretty frustrating when you try to solo 2 or 3 characters and you can not do that because you got Gizmo locked on you, Buttercup hooking you without a miss or Maeve sucking up your life and caging you without any effort. Especially when you playing with random and you can't expect them to play properly or using a minimum strategy.
GIGANTIC showed us that is possible to make a fair combat between range character and fighters without the auto lock system. How many of us hate to die after make a great kill and got caught by auto aim Butter cup hook without enough HP to fight back or die for a LONG DAMN GUIDED El Bastardo leap (OMG I hate that)?
By the way, did you guys already tried to aim for Kulev's Totem in a middle of a team fight? It is IMPOSSIBLE hahaha (nervous laugh).
2. This game should be a little bit faster. Just a little bit.
4v4 is a small number for medium/large sized maps.
I mean, it looks ok when you play but when you're watching a captured clip or others gameplay you really see how slow this game can be, even on team fights.Try to speed up any game match in any simple video editor just by 0.5+ the normal game speed and tell me how you feel about it. (GIGANTIC is a good example again).
And if you made it this far, please, enjoy this Ring out compilation, i dare you.
>>>>>>>>>> Ring out Compilation <<<<<<<<<<
*My english is rusty, but i think a I made myself clear.
@Orakh totally agree with you..
Some heroes with target lock are a bit "too easy"..
I mean.. gizmo's attack speed raises as long as she keeps shooting the same target and by adding auto lock to that situation it is just a it too much. Same for the girl that shoots feathers, can't remember the name....
By removing auto lock targets, some heroes would really require masterizing the game mechanics and combos.This would add an extra feeling of accomplishment to matches when you see that you managed to survive an outnumbered encounter or that you saved the day...
As to game speed... i didn't play gigantic, but i am used to faster games as well... so i guess... why not hehe..
Nice topic..hope some dev team can read and reply to this... -
@Orakh you got the point. I'm totally agree about put target lock down. That, maybe, could solve some OP characters issues.
Thought... another way that I think it could make the game more dynamic is a horizontal map type (corridor) than vertical. Teams got to push their enemies back to the start area. Maybe it will be hardest to do for those current maps but I believe that this idea could serve as a brainstorm to the devs for the future maps.
That's right. Removing the auto locking will make this game more competitive and will turn it in a skill based game instead a ordinary game.
With manual targeting (as GIGANTIC once was), people will be able to perform double, triple and quad kills relaying only in their skills and it will give us AWESOME clips, feedbacks and satisfaction.
It's pretty frustrating when you try to solo 2 or 3 characters and you can not do that because you got Gizmo locked on you, Buttercup hooking you without a miss or Maeve sucking up your life and caging you without any effort. Especially when you playing with random and you can't expect them to play properly or using a minimum strategy.
GIGANTIC showed us that is possible to make a fair combat between range character and fighters without the auto lock system. How many of us hate to die after make a great kill and got caught by auto aim Butter cup hook without enough HP to fight back or die for a LONG DAMN GUIDED El Bastardo leap (OMG I hate that)?
By the way, did you guys already tried to aim for Kulev's Totem in a middle of a team fight? It is IMPOSSIBLE hahaha (nervous laugh).
ummm, no, the auto lock kinda needs to stay. This game is cross platform, and for balancing reasons between pc and xbone, requires the targeting system to remain as it is, as removing it would give pc players a huge advantage over xbone players. You shouldn't be trying to solo fight multiple enemies, this game is team based and emphasis on that is being at a huge disadvantage 1vx, although I have managed to 1v2 some situations against newer/less skilled players, at equal skill and experience level, those situations should have never been feasible for me to win. Gigantic was decently well made and had some pros about it, but it wasn't cross platform, iirc, and also was generally faster in the fluidity of movement and combat, as well as the maps being much larger than Bleeding Edge offers. If you secure a Kill for your team as a dps, the fight is already in your favour, and hopefully your team can clean up once that hook lands on you, or can help you live through the situation. Bastardo leap without locking on is pretty useless as you only tend to leap a tiny bit in front of you, as you cannot hold the button to aim it. Also Kulev totem, pretty easy to focus in a fight, just sayin.
As for the games "speed", or rather pacing, it seems fine but I do slightly agree that a bit more tempo would be good, maybe give everyone slightly faster base movespeed, but then again if you're not fighting you should probably be mounted, which negates that issue.
Gigantic was a brilliant game, it does suck that it died, BUT a better comparison for BE would be Battleborn in my opinion. They have the same kind of combat style nearly, pacing, feeling when playing, and also both offer an objective control style game mode. Again, it sucks that Battleborn is dying (servers being switched off early next year
) and was poorly handled and marketed, whjile being in the shadow of Overhype and Blizzards seemingly endfless pot of marketing funds.
@RageKrom I almost agreed with you except for one thing. GIGANTIC IT IS a cross platform game (was), i use to play it on xbox but i always played with my PC friends and sometimes i played it from my PC as well. I totally agree with you when you say that a PC player has a huge advantage thanks to their mouses but i think this is a FPS reality and it does not work the same in games like this. The firs video that i linked on this post was a xbox player playing with Voden, a very accurate player which demands a fine aim.
But you're damn right about the maps. Gigantic maps was bigger and dynamics and it demands more speed for moving but i still stand for a bit of speed in combats for Bleeding Edge. I still think that it's to slow.
What do you think about a halfway terms? Maybe let Gizmo, Maeve, ZeroCool and Kulev keep their auto lock for normal atacks and remove it from skills. This way you will be able to leave a fight by your own merits IF you manage to escape from Buttercup Hook or Bastardo Leap.
Think about it.