And......looks like both give up/forget abou the conversation:/
Posts made by XxUnReached
RE: New Game Mode Ideas
RE: New Game Mode Ideas
@b4njAx well, had thinking it would be interesting make a death match be more different. Manly if a gameplay change was done for make player not too depending of their teammates, even do l like the core, is limited player to shine in a match and really be the difference.
Also, wasn't remember that interview from Rahin (never get right to write her name) man, kinda mean what you say that even though isn't wrong lol. But still, need to accept that would go too off from what BE is( even though is just a mode but ok, would be better expend time in other things if was to be made something)
But since a map mod would resolve, even if had played this game since launch, it probably couldn't last death match as a stand alone, but still thinking, specially with the gameplay changes, a free for all would be fun and Target players( or no at all, be literally just a messy chaos) would be good to be there for as l said, encourage players to not kill randomly for at least a free for all as a map mod.
Now for that lol mode, l quiet have another idea, and it can use all maps, will call this invasion
Besides that the upgrade system which l say could even turn into a map mod too, have 5 points and can sacrifice 2 of your mods for have one more to expend at abilities, super and bonus (which honestly could even fit for be a game feature like is the fighter mods, it would definitely give to fighters more power and builds for gameplay)
Both teams would have a generator, let's say it haves 8000 of health, and a team need to destroy or deal most damage at his enemy generator in order to win.
Mech have like 5000 of health and do 20-30 damage with all 8 pieces, can be stager or suffer stats from abilities.
But for that they need to build a Mech for allow the team get at enemy base, both teams will need to collect 8 pieces for build it and after put in a dispenser at middle of the map.
A player as a tank can carry 4 and other types can carry 2. Put in a dispenser will 3s each piece, the team that put more pieces will control the mech ( if not all pieces, mech will have stats reduct, also pieces like in power cell can't be inside at Spawn, when more pieces of a team is present in the mech, fast he will go), they would randomly respawn in damage/defense buff places but would be warned what would be the next power ups)
You also would have different buffs like one that would give for 2 players a 4th slot for mod, other which could be taken which would give you 35% (or extra more) charge for super, and another buff which would allow you can call a mech ( like have 600 health and do 16-24 damage as it is hybrid and have 2 abilities to use, is active for 1:30min and can be called when 2min still didn't pass after you had take the power up)
They have 2 min for advance with the mech and 40s for collect the pieces, after collection will have 15s for dispenser be available as 1:15min for put most pieces as possible and the mech start to be build( which finish to build in 10s)
Match have time limit of 30min.
RE: New Game Mode Ideas
@b4njAx the reason for get a standalone mode is besides you be able to play a free for all( better if the gameplay was changed for allow more independence from players) and also other map modes be at the mode( imagine if also would have a map mod that add another map mode, would be cool)
Better explaining. You will start at your respawn, no one will be able to hit each other ( off and inside respawn) as need to get of for make damage others and also when go outside will receive a immunity of 4s( attack anyone will disabled and first hit will not deal damage as you can receive stager). In free for all, could capacity 12 players with both sharing the respawns ( it is possible as one at one will respawn if all are in use or respawn at same time if with respawn available)
Target is randomly determined for each player for incentive player to not like 2 go get one and etc. As each time your target is killed, your next target will be the same until 50s. Killing player that isn't your target will value half of the points. But like l said, the stuff for prioritize a player is for not encourage players to simply group up and take a single one as the targets are different for every one. Every 50s targets will be swapped, the same target will be available but be at point capture will swap targets if you killed the wrong one inside point capture. The same target you have is also have you as his target to kill.
Respawn is like 7s so it's for be fast.
The other thing is like a point capture which is there for focus the fight more at one point and don't incentive to make people go to random places, just one is activate and just only and only a single player is at a capture a point, after 3s inside he will be able to get 1 point per 5s, anyone get in will automatically stop that player to gain points as it will make the point null if stays another a enemy for also 3s, others decided to capture need to also 3 s, but the point capture will need to be larger for incentive more players to advance, be like a quiet big square point for example would be better to serve as a point capture.
Team death mach would have faster respawns and be only at single point without have target priority for each Player( which could have like option for 3 teams against each other with everyone being separated in doubles from both respawns, killing anyone which isn't from your team value 1 point) , 50s activate and 20s for resurge to the point
Doing 30 kill/points makes you win the game, if of course you end before 15 min.
Still thinking that for BE have a inspired lol mode would be cool, had thinking from what surtaan had said previously about it.
Be just a lol mode wouldn't be great from what BE already is, but again, will try explain better from what a really mean, because was just said things in a lazy way.
1° it starts if you selecting a fighter and then his upgrades ( for this mode you can already set in workshop and you can even test it at dojo, but every match have like 1:20min before actually starts, so you can change your build anytime like in mods at workshop), each fighter have 5 points to distribute and can have 1 one more if decided to sacrifice 2 mods for upgrade one more ability, super or get a bonus that each fighter have, not every fighter have the same amount of upgrades like for example support that can upgrade only 2 times their heal and aggressive supports which can upgrade like 4 times.( It also could fit for a map mod tbh)
2°think just like jersey sink but a little bigger, "jungle"/ some part of the map is basically where power ups will be, with some of them being guarding by some enemies (and of course being better because of this), like one that you can activate 4 mods( or 2 if you had expend 6 points) and is guarded by a enemy on map.
It basically is a bleeding edge standard map instead of a "wild rift map clone" but more big, and with some "towers"( which could be other thing to be honest) and with limited time for matches don't be like a hour or something like that, and after just show what team get more advanced to "the nexus" or give " more damage to "the towers".At least that part l think it would be cool, now the part of " the minions" could be considered to be other stuff, like you a blitz from brawl starts( if you had played or knew about it)which you collect peaces for do a robot, and then could be able to hit the tower with it as long the bot is alive, and both teams would do that for advance more to the main objective.
RE: New Game Mode Ideas
@Surrtan well, the type of "lol mode" actually fit from what BE is, a average competitive match keeps between 25 and 30min at maximum
Have upgrades could be cool, but also should be something like you buff your mods and have some abilities buff that you could choose and reset them a any time. Just be "a mod section" improved with a few more things for do without need build a complex build and just follow from what your mod sett up is for and upgrade few things at beginning of the game.
And the "jungle" just be like where are power ups for being caught and use and some new things for get advantage.
Have a map just bigger but also not that big like lol have, with a team being skill enough, they would end in less of 20 minutes for example.
Basically base in a BE map, with some traps and buffs around in a bigger map, other things could be different like after you destroyed 2 towers your already can have access to "the nexus" and have troops which doesn't simply teleport, like another killable unit for take the remains of a robot squad and then back to the base and the beginning the push.
Even for competitive, keeps at maximum for 40 min would be ok, as at the end, could determined how get further/ deal most damage at each side and avoid be more than that.
@b4njAx for a solo death match it would need a separate mode in my opinion, mark each target which will value a point instead of half if kill the wrong one as focus a platform like in objective control which if a player alone be in, will gain 1 points each 5s, anyone get in will just automatically disable the point capture. Them if got a full squad, it would be just like a map mod but everyone value a point. Just if is less than 4 would be like a free for all which could support even a few more players.
RE: New Game Mode Ideas
A game mode like LOL mainly have would fit with bleeding with a map just for him.
Grunts being upgrade by the times while the match is keeping going, as player could make a build and chose between 2 skill tree buffs for create more gameplay variation
The "jungle" have like always a "barrow" at 2 sides of the map that will try to steal players while with guard down as they are focusing at taking resources, dealing with a few random bots walking around the jungle and taking buffs (which are the only locations with bots defending it)
The central being like a dominated point for get some advantage and some other things.
Death match also could fit as should came at least on last update.
Unfortunately, the mainly problem for this game is basically being too depended in a game that people simply don't want to be competitive, causing situations like being basically unable to play duel your team not working even at least together, is really rare see someone being "the game changer" of the match because of his abilities.
Just thinking if the core( even being very good) was changed in a way that you could be able to deal with 2 players without already thinking that you will 100% already die anyway regardless how good you are, probably would allow for more people to enjoy it without care much about team play in a plenty casual match.
Whish for have a 2° chance someday
RE: Free game please
First for a game be F2P it needs to have a monetization model, devs never show had plans for bleeding edge and much less for be at free to play, would be great if this game had a free trial of 2 hours without need gamepass in order to play, but since devs simply didn't want to engage much even with the amount of people whose care about there game, listen feedback was quiet lacking a lot and now they just give up, feedback for them will be useless now.
I believe, since the servers for some good god's will are working, someone could try doing something that devs couldn't do at their time, at least on PC.
Until there don't think devs will return soon to try again with this game, just hope this waste of potential could return somehow. -
RE: Gaming community is fu&%ing stupid !
@SLAUGHTEREDART-0 Less than a year to be more precisely, they just did 4 months of updates, even didn´t plan a fucking roadmap, absolutely garbage communication from devs with us.
Ninja theory and devs never care a single time of how good this game could be in near future, never give the effort for build a strong community and look what it came.
simply no one cared even for say something about this game anymore, the own community doesn´t care at all too,it´s a fucking dissapointing shame how revolting is for such a great game be treated like trash for a unistreted studio that even bother launch/ stop devs in launch this game in the stage like it still is but less worse
no reaseach, no carefull action by both devs and the studio and no plannig at all for waste resources only because they can.
Unfortunatly bleeding edge became a unfunny joke, only because it wasn´t a ninja theory game priority in first place.
RE: Do not abandon the game, please!
Would like to believe on that, any game from this IP l would pre-order without think twice.
Hope something for this IP came after some years.
RE: Do not abandon the game, please!
Man, unfortunately since from start that piece of shit called ninja theory never had big ambitious for this game, always put down in the corner because of their "prioritizes", such incompetence and terrible management basically fated this game where he is now.
The community isn't strong enough for try get attention from them( actually literally anyone are interested doing nothing more for this game), devs didn't even try interact more after launch, don't know if they care or not about us even now.
I pray that all this 3 years of development on this game doesn't get in the trash, at least that.
RE: Funny how this community doesnt move a single finger
Agree in most parts that you said.
The community was very weak since launch, but there wasn´t people in community that tried make a commotion around internet
we was there to give feedback,suggestion and constantly ask what was happening, when in a time to another ,devs get silence
But reddit and discord wasn´t the necessary key that devs ,even ironicly at day one, had said that they would hear and considerate us
this community didn´t get stronger with the time, the few of people in this community ,like
misfitbanjax and other streamers(they´re exeption apart), had help to keep this people together and tried incentivate others plays this game, but people whose was part of game´s reddit and discord, didn´t tried for get even more to stick together.our force wasn´t enought for NT REGONIZE US, and unfortunatly this happen.
Ninja theory was such a fucking asshole for didn´t care about us that was still play their game and belive for his future.
Even for a single player company, isn´t excuse for what they have done with this game.
yes,We gonna be ignored like everyone else.
But hope the karma can teach them a leason for doesn´t care who was still belive at them with their PvP game.
Funny how this community doesnt move a single finger
Don´t want to be a asshole for say that, but a thing I´m not lying.
Mainly when devs started to be silince, I had saw a amount of very few people trying get answers, even it doesn´t work.
Almost anyone had tryied to gruop up for get the attetion that we need for we knowed what was going on.
Anyone was brave enought for make a movement for we really know if our games was ok or not.I was even had a idea to group up and try get more people for a #LetWeModBleedinEdge and we invaded microsoft and ninja theory´s social medias for asking the community keep this game alive , but how l could do this if even a single soul hadn´t try something like that before and even now, and probably most people even doestn´t would like to help, just show "how he/she care so much about this game"
the worst was our silence that we either did,and doesn´t acting much for "trying to save this game that we much care".
Again, i don´t want to be like a asshole for say that,I(and some people) had try get the answers, even we fail, we tryied. I just disapointed of how much this community didn´t nothing for this game either, just showing how weak this community unfortunatly is.
wish that we had people that showed not only in discord or reddit, but make other people see that we care for the health of our game.
well, we still have some amount of time left ,to do something, if the community will finnaly move...l would like to see.
if you all just gonna se this game dying....only will say thank for all of you for playing this game, but didn´t made a action for the thing that you probably love.
we´re either guilty for this game support die, just remember that,if you was a part of this community
At least make this game F2P
The game is already abandoned is a thing that l already know, but please, this game is really awesome and would like to see some more people have some experience with this game
He's already dead in terms of support,so please make BE F2P and let others play
RE: Thank You.
Unfortunately, bleeding edge was launch in the wrong time, in the wrong moment and was badly planned to be completeed
The game still incomplete,but isn't because of that this game doesn't have some quality
My favorite parts of this game:
Soundtrack whose was so fucking good
Characters design whose are really amazing and unique
Gameplay that was really good.Can't lie that every minute play this game was awesome when first started playing iat launch,the game could have a last update at least for balance but devs did a great job with the updates.
Probably if it was devs decision, could them still continue to update (honestly hard to believe too because never had saw them speak anything after
some months of launchh for at least a little),but most probably is Ninja theory's fault for such ignorance with bleeding edge, they doesn't support the game as a multiplayer one needs, could be one of the biggest games in future,but with 3 other projects,rush development,no support for the game, basically kill this game.Well,was good when it was some hope for a future, thank you devs for make this game exist.
Probably gonna stay in rainbow six siege again, but not for be competitive like l have a mindset to be in bleeding edge, just play more single player games that will be my most passion of time now.
Would wish BE have some care from Ninja theory since from the start,but they needed to make devs vomit the game first for get off this "problem" in their backs.
RE: Dear devs
Man, l had dreamed that this game could start grow up and hit a stage for organize a E-Esport for it.
So many things that l wondering that could had being destroyed by a notice whose now reveal how "excited" they was and how they "tried" to invest in this game
Vomit a dirty master piece like this doesn't gonna shine if you don't clean up, and yeah....all is gonne now
Was great to play with you all, that the last moments of us playing our last matches been especial.
Thanks for create this game,but it's a shame and such direspect do something like this without even tried.Hope never get in their minds to do a multiplayer game again if is just to throw away like a abandon dog as BE was.
RE: A potential year for changes and improvement for BE
@Pilot-Nexus Yes,some people are playing this games,and even some new ones are try too,but for they stay is other story.
Try to cancel and star search again for a match, could be a case that the matchmaker is bugged.
Are about less than 100 people playing this game,more in final afternoon.
But is possible to play in afternoon after lunch,at morning is a little more difficult -
RE: The Great Support Rework of 2021
About Azriel, i agree in buff but only like 6 or 7% healing, this abilty is pruposed to gain more value in healing for each soul stack deal.
Soul eater shoul only be buff in terms of ensure more his self healing, soul eater already give a decent healing when you get like 3 stacks in each enemy.
Now his health doesn`t need to be changed,mainly nerfed because he badly can hold a fight alone,imagine if reduce his health, woulbe obrigate more two supps with him.
And one thing is,idk if already is possible without the mod buff healing, but buff void wave for give some small buff healing woulb help a lot.
Chirysalis a could have some buff, but less 25% of CD and more 50% of healing is too much for a super like that.
About Kulev, just his passive healing for ally woulb be thinking for buff.
His Good Omen is already annoying to fight against, in maximun reduce CD to 1s woulb be enought.
His Sacred Ground better increase only his range and a little of Totem´s health,the healing is already decent for a lazzy support.