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RE: Looking for a group from south africa
Looking for a group from south africa
Hey guys. I'm looking for a group from south Africa that want to play this game. As it is we are unable o play due to the fact that there are not enough people from our region.
Please let me know if anyone is interested -
RE: living in south africa here cant find any matches. why is this
@ShadoWawker I figured that, but where does it leave us? We can't get a match at all... Should I just uninstall the game and not bother anymore? Thanks for your response by the way
RE: living in south africa here cant find any matches. why is this
I'm having the same problem. Haven't been able to play a single game some the last patch. I'm from south Africa too. I think the issue is there aren't enough players in SA. So the only way to play is if we can round up enough people from South Africa to play at the same time. That's the only way it will allow us to connect to the server.