@x-AmberPrice said in Suggestions Pulled from Reddit:
@American-Hermes I disagree with most of these, I'll try and give a good explanation why. Of course if this is a general consensus then it would obviously be important to look into changes regardless of what I'm about to say but I'll try and give my perspective.
"Role Lock" - I don't think it's necessary at all. Especially not right now as it would limit players' creativity thus naturally limiting the game's potential for creative synergies. From my experience there was never once any game where my team comp, or the enemy's team comp for the matter, was horrendously unbalanced (aside from leavers of course). And I'm not even sure if there is a certain team comp that is horrendously unbalanced right now? It's certainly too early to call for certain heroes needing nerfs or buffs. You've got a "Zerocool needs a buff" and "Zerocool needs a nerf" thread litetally beside each other as I write this, just about sums it up You could viably play as 3 supports and 1 tank if your team knew what they were doing. You could viably play as 4 DPS. Would either beat the best team of 4 currently in the game? Probably not, but it could certainly work in other games. I hate using Overwatch as a comparison so much but they introduced a role lock because it was essential that you had a healer. There's a difference of 6v6 vs 4v4 for starters. I could go on. Role lock is not necessary right now.
"Quit penalty" - I wasn't sure if there was one in the Beta or not as I rarely left a game but they began to implement one in the Alpha. But I disagree with them entirely. There's a lot of reasons behind a player leaving besides the fact they are losing. And, once one player leaves, you might as well leave right? But you can't because you'll be unfairly punished. I suggested a Vote to Forfeit option in another thread that I think would work well. I also think the natural progression of some sort of MMR (which I'm also not a fan of but a discussion for another time) will improve the state of leavers on launch as I do agree that a big issue in the previous Beta was leavers and joining into losing matches. It's a tough one to solve BUT a leaver's penalty punishes the wrong player more often than not.
"In-Game LFG" - I don't disagree with this, however there is a system (at least with Xbox) where you can organise LFG and join communities which will likely be in use at full launch. There's an LFG subforum here which has been left largely untouched. There's also the Discord which the majority have used as far as I've seen. But more LFG options in-game especially could be useful especially as the game is so team oriented. I just feel like at this point in developement that there are better uses of time as there are multiple methods to group up already.
"Chat Wheel" - I don't think it necessarily needs to be bigger, in fact I think it's a big improvement to what was in the early Alpha days, but it still needs working on, especially that "A" option (for Xbox) which had a mind of its own as you rightly pointed out. The more compact and concise, the better in my opinion.
"Downsize Maps/Increase Size of Team" - I think this is an unrealistic suggestion as they are fundamental parts of the game. I think it's also personal preference as well and not something that would undoubtedly solve some of the issues you suggest. In fact, ironically, if either of those were implemented I think the TTK would be infinitely worse, no one would ever die.
"Increase Capture Points by +3" - Again I don't see any significant reason to change this. If people wanted to gain their points via fighting then they can, they're not obligated to capture the points although there's a much higher rate of points to be gained so you'd be silly not to. You mention a teammate peeling off to capture an object whilst the others fight, I don't see anything wrong with that either. It's entirely situational. If he did that in the wrong moments then it could backfire. That's where essential teamwork and coordination come into play.
"Fix Lag" - Of course! I was lucky in the sense that not once during the entire weekend did I experience an unbearably laggy game. In fact, I've played since the first Alpha test and have rarely experienced lag since then. So I hope it's fixed for people who are experiencing issues, it's a tough thing to solve though, everyone has unique internet set ups!
"Better Mod Explanation" - I think there is a mention in the tutorials about how they work if I'm not mistaken? But not in terms of duplicates, perhaps it can be a line they add in the UI of the mods tab
I agree with this post. Role Lock is always a terrible idea as it pigeonholes strategic thinking and interesting team comps. We all have to understand that the game is still very new and everyone has a different opinion, but suggestions such as "make maps smaller" and "more players per match" are throwing out fundamental aspects to balance and teamfighting. I also feel that those suggestions are made from a players performing on the lower end of the spectrum.
While I do want leaver penalties, I have to say that with the game as it is, I feel like we aren't experiencing the true "competitive" mode. Until we see what Ranked looks like and how it is structured, I would hold off.