No one knows nothing about what is gonna happen with BE
Even are mostly close thinking this game is near to death.
Medias are dead with just discord and Reddit shows some activity
Has been almost 3 months since last update
How many times do you guys still gonna do this?
What are you thinking?It's ok? Nothing to worry? All gonna be ok???
If so, SAY SOMETHING....there are people, included me, whose really loves this game and play almost/every week/day, and even those people will given up some time if this continue
And will abandon BE just like you guys seems are doing with us
Hope this silence are worth for something like azriel update,and can say was better, now is terrifying
Don't know how to manage a community isn't a excuse for this silenceFew words are welcome, director of this game could say something
Or medias say anything about fighters curiosity, jokes ,clips, balance..... would be wonderful if this started to happen, even it was few
We just want a answer if BE will live, now or other day, we'll get it
We just want to know about healthy of this game, isn't difficult for you guys say,this can't continue anymore
more respect for your onw community devs!I pray for comes something good, hopefully in November, we just want some words, some answers be solved
Just give us more attention,pls
Any word from devs team is immensely value for usJust want to see and keep playing this games as it grows,pls make this happen
We just want some interaction pls,be more active,even for a little