This number is terrifying ...

  • I've had a lot of good matches recently. Seems like people are actually learning the game. A few matches even ended like 594-600. But I still get matches which they are complete stomps. Heck, even 50-0. And I think this might be the reason :

    See the percentage of people who finished all the tutorials? It's scary ! This means that more than half of the players, don't know what the hell are they doing. I even saw someone on YT who was playing the game, and quit the tutorial half way through, while he was saying : " I hope there is a lock-on option, because things get confusing in the middle of battle" ... Like what the actual fu&k ??? Finish the damn tutorials instead of making assumptions !

    So yea, I think the tutorials need to be mandatory. And also, every champion needs to be locked until the players picks them in dojo and uses all their abilities. Clueless players are everywhere.

  • It's like that on Xbox as well...soooo many people don't know about the (X) button moves (Buttercup charge, etc.)...oddly makutu doesn't have his slap listed....

    I rarely see a Zero with or using the bot...played a match with someone who had no idea the bot was even a thing.

  • @Omid-RG I think the tutorials should be obligatory.

    They have fixed the matchmaking, it's for that reason that you can get these oddly balanced matches, we were rolling on the enemy team yesterday and they made some switches while our zero was stubborn and we basically got wrecked.

  • I think forcing the tutorial is necessary, though my greatest concern is that people do it without paying attention, thinking they're better than the game. Of course then the question is if that's worse than the current situation where people simply don't bother. The answer, I think, is no. If we're going to lose players because they weren't going to do a tutorial I have to wonder if they were really that interested in the game in the first place.

    I rarely see a Zero with or using the bot...played a match with someone who had no idea the bot was even a thing.

    I can't believe I've been that player for the last few times I've played Zero Cool. Then again I've never really noticed his bot's damage, as someone giving or receiving it. xD

  • @Johnbonne said in This number is terrifying ...:

    If we're going to lose players because they weren't going to do a tutorial I have to wonder if they were really that interested in the game in the first place.

    Since most of people are so blind and dumb to say that this game is like overwatch, they also think they know the basics of a "Hero Shooter" and don't need tutorials. I've seen them say that ! They say: pff, we've played a lot of fps games. We know how it goes.

  • They really need to remind players about get up attacks and free evade as well. They are mentioned nowhere or outside of deep in the tutorial.

    I really love getting ganked as Kulev and feeling helpless for the most part.

    The tutorial needs to be mandatory too, of course.

  • @LackOfAName4620 said in This number is terrifying ...:

    They really need to remind players about get up attacks and free evade as well. They are mentioned nowhere or outside of deep in the tutorial.

    I really love getting ganked as Kulev and feeling helpless for the most part.

    The tutorial needs to be mandatory too, of course.

    They defiNitely do mention the get up attacks on the forum & iN the traiNiNg.