Can't wait to get my hands on this game Coming from FPS types of games like OW and Paladins, Even tho this is a 3rd person I'm still hyped and cant wait to play it
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Please tell me this is coming to PC... I've been a long time lover and player of these types of games. OW, Paladins, TF2.
How many game modes will there be? Capture the flag, Siege, onslaught, hold the point... ETC
We need a ton more info??? the more we know the more hype we can generate for it.
I also see 2 characters that are blacked out in the Fighters section. I take that as you are going to be adding more Fighters to the game... Are we going to see Battle pass style monetization??? Will new fighter need to be bought or worked for and bought with in game currency???
Sorry I'm super excited for the game and so many questions running around my brain.