Just because you die as one character a lot doesn't mean the character is bad. I've not really had many problems with any daemon players so far I actually find Gizmo to be far more frustrating. Ranged characters can tap away at your health for free in team fights. And if you are smart as a gizmo player and stay close to vertical lane above you, you can easily disengage from fights with your jump ability. I see a lot of people calling different characters op.
Right now I think its really hard to tell. I've noticed a few tanks destroying with high hp and damage but it could also be that they are diving into teams and still getting healed well, not entirely sure yet.
If I want to say one character is op because I get killed by them a lot it would be the chicken lady, I can't remember her name. She has high DPS and a lot of mobility with her jump, however she dies VERY quickly when CC'd as she seems to have low hp pool.