@AiZeNxQT wasn't even talking about maeves ult but its fine. Cass is way more op than maeve. Ps. I love the fact your main argument is cage siphoning even knowing that the invis is on a 10 second cooldown with a 2 second invis, which i mean, if you dont follow her, you're bad in general. And that the cage is like a 1 second cage. You're literally dumb kid. Maeve isn't op. Cass and el bastard is.
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Posts made by Notsojoker7881
RE: Maeve has too much power in drain and cage combo
RE: Maeve has too much power in drain and cage combo
So you're gonna argue about maeve but not argue about cass and how her ult hits all characters at once, and she can spam her fucking bird wings (her b or whatever) to attack from a distance? That's dumb. Maeve is completely balanced. If you nerf her cage, which is like 1 second, then she's not even a character. If you nerf her life steal then that's the same thing, she has nothing going for her except her auto attack. Yet daemon can auto attack for days and deal twice the damage as maeve. I don't understand your complaint. This is coming from a maeve main with 15 hours on her.
RE: What's ur fav character
Maeve because shes an old all knowing, life stealing, op ass, bitch. xD