Time for me to write this as im sure i won't enter the beta anymore with a current game state.
Played about 80 games w 70 winrate solo.
- Locked fps makes every stream of this game look like complete garbage. Hey how can PC version be fking locked is this a joke?
Under this point there is a MOUNT UP ui animation that looks the worst compared to any ui anim i checked in any other game. MOUNT UP itself is fine. - Atm you have 2 game modes: points and iteration of mix between points and capture the flag (CTF). And ur iteration of it is pontless. You have it separated by 2 complete differents states (1 locks another) with no encouraging players to go for collecting at phase one. Let's say later ppl will go for collecting and playing for objectives just because they will just try harder but right now (when ppl only care about fun) noone gives the fuck about these orbs and just go straight brawl. At least make a damage/heal output X increase with a dmg taken 0.5x increase for an orb taken with some numbers for encouraging players to play 2 phases and not only one.
- TTK (time to kill). It's really too big. There are 2 things that are making this game look like gargabe in most of streams. First is fps and 2nd is seeing as 3 ppl are trying to kill a tank for 5 seconds with him not being healed. And its not only about time and how it looks. You can mistake you can can go unneeded fights but you still surivive due to no damage. 25-40% ttk decrease is required.
- This killcam is a joke. At lease copy a OW one as its has any sense while ur is here just for a fun and is doing nothing.
- There are some gameplay things that just feels off. Like jumping on a higher stage (so you have forward + up movenemt for example) being hit by any melee attack and just falling conpletely down losing all ur forward direction (welp, this cant be, you know).
- And there are some problems that exist here due to crossplay (like gizmo skillshot aiming LUL what is this for real).
There are more but im sure you wont change any of this and will release the game as it is just with addition of new map + champion. GL folks, i hoped this will be a good pc game but it looks just like beer and chips afterwork game with no deeper fun.