@Omid-RG Thanks for your comments. This is a fun discussion.
I've played every MOBA out there and League of Legends is by far the best. That's why LoL has the largest player base of any game on the planet. It's because Riot is building the game as a competitive eSport. All of their programming changes are made with the specific purpose of making the game more competitive.
As for the toxic community, it is natural for competitive games to end up with a toxic community. This is because it's really irritating to lose your ranking due to a teammate who is poorly skilled or one who is intentionally trolling and most people don't have the ability to hold their tongue.
That being said, Bleeding Edge could take some lessons from the Riot on how to build a successful game.
The reason Riot is wildly successful with League of Legends, Valorant, and Runeterra is because they put a huge focus on giving the players a reason to play. The investment the players make to "Get good" is so great that they feel they have to keep playing.
Despite our disagreement on Riot's games, I think we both agree that BE needs to give players are reason to keep playing and a sense of personal investment.