@CasraTX Ya unfortunately playing on a PC compared to Xbox does not change much and it is crossplay between the two. I always use a mic on this game and any pvp online game. Anyone who does not use a mic really shouldnt be playing online pvp games.
@A xX L3g3nd Xx
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Posts made by A xX L3g3nd Xx
RE: Going to try this on PC, as for XBOX.. it wasn't happening for me
RE: Dev plz fix matchmaking so that solo player arent get tortuered . plz
@Andre-LMay-BR I mean i play with a mic on every competitive game. If you are not using one you can not complain about others using a mic. If you play a competitive game i expect people to use a mic, i think its idiotic to not use one.
RE: Lag and framerate issues still remain
@IxIThe-Robin I have not waited over 25 seconds.....not sure why so long for you
RE: That's it for me.
@SilentParasite have you tried grouping up with people? I use a mic all the time when i solo but only play towards end of night. I recommend adding people who have this as even a group of 2 makes a big difference.