@Dorn-Bamaged Healers do not need nerfing. Sounds like what the real problem is whoever you are playing with are not killing them first or fast enough. Healers are essential to kill at the start of every fight then everyone else crumbles.
Posts made by Lrks
RE: Balancing
RE: Unfair matchmaking.
@Sol-Aethiops 65% win rate almost a 7kd 1.30 kills per min .18 deaths per minute definetly not my lack of skill this games matchmaking is juzt pathetic and needs to be adjusted.
RE: Unfair matchmaking.
@D4m0R3d never quit a game before. Been here since 1st beta I know how this works.
RE: Unfair matchmaking.
@Notaleksnave Literally just came on here to see if anyone was having this issue. Just had 4 games in a row where I get in to a match and before I can even pick a character the game ends. This should be happening to rage quitters not to others. Needs to be fixed. EDIT: Make that 6 games in a row this is absolutely BS
This game is going to be filled with toxic players. UNLESS...
So far Both betas have been extremely toxic not everygame but more than it should. People who leave the game, not playing with the team or trying to dive in and 1v4. In a game where the developers want it to be completely revolved around team fights there definitely should be harsher punishments than just a leaver penalty. I hope that on release when I come across players like this and report them they actually get punished whether it be unable to match make for a certain amount of time or if they consistently do this a ban of some sort. If the devs do not do something like this then I fear this game will lose alot of the playerbase and it will just get more and more toxic. This is also key to have a system like this in place for a game that has little publicity otherwise lots of ppl will quit and that will hurt them alot in the long run.
Please let me know your thoughts.