completely agree with you. my buddy and i play and noticed every random we play with ALWAYS picks a DPS. out of the 50+ games played maybe a few picked tank and/or healer. we are always stuck playing zero cool and buttercup. (lovin buttercup btw lol) but itd be nice to be able to play something else and still have a good team comp. i guess people just want to do damage and thats all they care about.
they definitely need more game modes. Team death match, gladiator arena type match would be sweet.
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Posts made by QuirkyQU33FER
RE: To The DEVS: Great game but could use a few things.
RE: Character Idea
@Votre-Daron is this true? i know of Mekko. but theres more?!?!
RE: Role Queue (Suggestion)
@Fat-Bloonskis i believe there should be suggestions in game while your team is selecting characters. like "your team has no tank" "your team has no support" etc.... or an overall percentage of team comp. like if every one picks Dps your team comp rating is like a C but if ya got a dps a tank and 2 supports then the team comp rating is an A.. but nothing that forces you to pick something. just give us a suggestion to pick something